Wednesday, May 30, 2012

headache headache headache.
stop with the trance talk!!!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

can't sleeeeeeeeeep!
that's what happens when I nap too many times

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


i decided to wuit tillys after my bday.
give me attitutde and think i have 4 arms?
fuck you,
yeah try finding someone better than me... TRY.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Edc is in 19 days...
seriously by ready but then again I am..
just not into it like I thought it would be.
maybe I'm just to focus on the bigger things (:

when you just realized

that moment when you enjoy each others company. that realization it's just amazing.. why can't there be moments like those more often.. or
wonder if that person realizes it too?

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I seriously don't want tomorrow to come

I hate waking up too early for minimum wage drama with too much effort.
I hate tillys
when I quit, never talking to anyone! except for et. and jorge.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

youre so hot...
idk about your voice though.. hahahaha.


when you see someone fine and the person youre talking/ dancing with youre just like...

NVM, move bitch!


fa sho

i dont like this pic.

but i want her hair on the right...


felt like this this whole week..

today was nice..

getting up was a bitch.
work was a bitch.
hanged w/ mancebo.
sushi & art gallery... what a perfect day!
i want to attend more art galleries..
so diffrent and amazing.
just looking at other peoples work just made me inspired.
oh my love for art. <3
gonna go back to my doodling days.
when i have the TIME.

that is sexy as fuck..